Friday, December 28, 2007


Hola Amigos,

Despues de mucho tiempo yo empiezo mi blog para Ustedes, finalmente. Yes, after living in Mexico for six months I've finally sat down to set up a web log to catalogue and share my experiences here. I'm not sure exactly what this will entail, but we'll find out together. Many people have expressed an interest in hearing about my life here. For some reason they find my stories interesting and amusing, no doubt due to the adventurous and interesting nature of some of my exploits (and to my own constant dismay) the ridiculous nature of the predicaments in which I often find myself. Nevertheless, I'll lay it all out for you here as best I can, given my limited technical skills. I'm certain the format will evolve over time as necessity and new knowledge demand and permit. Entries will vary in length and topic. Responses and comments will be welcome. I'll be sending the installments to a group email list of "the chosen few," and hopefully we can begin a cyber communication that will keep us connected as I continue my journey in the other America, south of the border. The first proper blog about my trip to the Yucatan for Thanksgiving vacation will follow shortly. (It will certainly be longer than most, as I had the Christmas vacation to write it!) I hope you enjoy, and keep in touch!
Con mucho amor,


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